What does GSHS Mock Trial need money for?
Empire Tournament
Empire is a prestigious tournament featuring top teams from around the country and some teams from outside the U.S. Glenwood travels 8-14 students to the featured Empire tournament each year. Costs include airfare, hotel rooms, entry fees, food & water for the students, and printing materials.
Providence Cup
Providence Cup is a national caliber tournament, held in Denver each fall, featuring top teams from around the country. Glenwood typically travels multiple teams totaling 8-16 students to Providence Cup. Costs include hotel rooms, entry fees, food & water for the students, and printing materials.
Boulder Battle
Boulder Battle is a state level tournament hosted by CU Boulder Mock Trial featuring top teams from around the state. Glenwood typically travels two teams totaling 12-20 students to Boulder Battle. Costs include hotel rooms, entry fees, food & water for the students, and printing materials.
Regional Tournament
The Western Slope Regional Tournament is a local level tournament featuring teams from across the Western Slope. This is the qualifying tournament for state. Glenwood typically travels three teams totaling 18-30 students to Regionals. Costs include hotel rooms, entry fees, food & water for the students, and printing materials.
(depending on location)
State Tournament
The State Championship Tournament is the preeminent tournament in Colorado. Glenwood has qualified every year since 1993. Glenwood typically travels one or two teams totaling 12-20 students to State. Costs include hotel rooms, entry fees, food & water for the students, and printing materials.
Nationals & Other Expenses
The National tournament is the preeminent tournament in HS Mock Trial. Only State Champions are invited. Costs include airfare, hotel rooms, entry fees, food & water for the students, and printing materials.Each year we also have expenses related to technology and materials to run the program.
$2,000 (other expenses)
$15,000 (nationals)

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