Staff Report
Mar 26, 2020
On March 13, Glenwood Springs High School was supposed to send off two of its mock trial teams to the state championship in Denver. Unfortunately. the tournament was cancelled due to the COVID-19 outbreak.
The two teams were devastated at the news, due to the amount of hours they had put in to get there. Team two won the regional championship the last two years, and was incredibly downtrodden by the news that they would not be able to compete for a state title.
“They’re a close knit group, and are a family in and out of the courtroom. With spending so much time together they developed a bond that is unmatched,” team parent Sarah Oliver said. “It shows how mock trial brings people together who you wouldn’t assume to be friends.”
She added that, though the team may fight from time to time, they always support one another.
“With the ones who continue on in the mock trial program, it’s clear that the bond they share will not break, and will only grow stronger, and that the GSHS mock trial program has created bonds and friendships that will always remain.”