Charlie Willman
Feb 27, 2019
I am running for City Council because I believe in giving back to my community. Since I moved here in 1976, I have been actively engaged in numerous nonprofit organizations, often serving as chair.
I am the head coach of the GSHS Mock Trial Program — recognized as one of the best mock trial programs in the nation. I am an attorney, now focusing my work in mediation, with my office in downtown Glenwood Springs.
I was also the City Attorney from 1980 to 1984 and I have served since 2016 on the city’s Financial Advisory Board and, most recently, on the Transportation Commission.
I have served Glenwood Springs as a member of the Downtown Development Authority (DDA) for seven years and one as chairperson. While serving, the DDA transitioned from an inactive group to one that led to the development of the new library, the parking structure and the vibrant “restaurant row” along Seventh Street.
The DDA’s action spurred development along Cooper and Grand as envisioned. This type of development is vital to the long-term viability of Glenwood and will draw young professionals and tourists to the community.
I will use my leadership skills and work with fellow councilors to develop a long-term plan for the residents of Glenwood Springs. I will use my knowledge of the city’s finances and operations to find positive solutions to difficult problems, such as completing the North Glenwood commercial core and north landing, repairing our streets, enacting reasonable regulations for VRBOs, finding solutions to downtown parking congestion, making high-speed internet available to all homes/businesses in the city, building South Bridge, increasing renewable energy in the city’s wholesale electric contract, and developing a viable South Canyon Landfill that includes composting, recycling (with an in-city drop off), and a better, less-intrusive trash collection system.
I am a supporter of open government. City Council must engage in an appropriate competitive bidding process while at the same time being transparent in its decision-making. I also hope to make City Council meetings more productive and shorter.
Finally, Glenwood Springs should focus on workforce housing and supporting economic development that maintains our small-town character and long-term economic viability.
Thank you for your vote and support. For more information on my positions check my website: charliewillman.com.